by Linda | Dec 2, 2012 | Autism, Blog, Music Therapy Resource, Resource, Teens
Music therapy is definitely not a career with a lot of monotony. In fact, as music therapists, we are constantly creating and developing ideas for interventions that will best fit our clients’ needs. Many times, it’s right on the spot. I love that my...
by Linda | May 5, 2012 | Autism, Blog, Gifts, Shop
[fb_button] If you live in the Chicago area, you may want to visit BellyBum Boutique at 4347 North Lincoln Avenue. They offer option in clothing and toys for children with special needs. For more information call (773)868-0944 or visit their website! ...
by Linda | Apr 10, 2012 | Autism, Blog
[fb_button] Here’s a great video that demonstrates why music therapy works so well with individuals with autism. The Music Therapy Center of Houston and the kiddoes they work with are highlighted!
by Linda | Mar 2, 2012 | Autism, Blog, Impulse Control, Turn Taking
One of the best songs I’ve used for impulse control is “It’s So Hard to Wait” by Wade Richards, LCAT, MT-BC. It’s great for both individual and group sessions. For groups, I’ve developed this process: 1. The first...